Approximately 150 minutes.
with Headteachers and Deputy/Assistant Headteachers in mind, this module
assists delegates with their understanding of their responsibilities in
relation to finance within the school, the role of the governing body and how
their individual Financial Regulations define the internal control environment
in their school or academy.
These courses contain practical demonstrations of the type of financial
documents you will have handed to you at school and guidance on how to check
and interpret these.
aim of the course is to give delegates knowledge and confidence in their role
regarding the financial regulations, internal controls and procedures governing
Outcomes: You will leave this course with a level of understanding of financial
regulations that enables you to mitigate financial risk arising from mistakes,
poor financial decision making and fraud.
should have a copy of their academy financial regulations to hand during the
course will be delivered remotely via Microsoft Teams.
We apologise but there are no future dates currently planned for this event.