Finance Staff - Trading Accounts for Schools & Academies

Please Note: This is a webinar/event for Education Finance

Approximately 180 minutes.

£135 + VAT per delegate

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The course will cover the relevance of trading accounts, how to produce a business plan and report it to the governing body for inclusion in the annual budget.

Using the Juniper trading account tools, we will demonstrate how to complete the actuals vs budget on a monthly basis to show the monthly profit/loss.

We will explain how to interpret figures and report them to governors/trustees.

There will be opportunities throughout the session for delegates to ask questions.

Delegates will;

• gain confidence in producing and understanding a trading business plan.
• gain knowledge and confidence to produce monthly profit/loss reports based on the business plan.
• gain confidence in interpreting the information and reporting to the governing body.

We apologise but there are no future dates currently planned for this event.