Challenging Conversations with Staff

Please Note: This is a webinar/event for Education HR

Approximately 120 minutes.

£115 + VAT per delegate

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Do you find it hard to tackle difficult conversations with your staff? 

Putting off difficult conversations for another day can have a detrimental impact on school effectiveness.  Failing to deal with issues swiftly and appropriately can result in, amongst other issues, higher sickness levels and poorly performing staff.  This course has been designed to help schools prepare for these types of conversation and develop the skills to undertake them effectively.
An interactive workshop designed for leaders and managers to encourage group discussion, delegate role play and participation (required) with tutor to give delegates confidence in tackling tricky HR issues.

Learning Outcomes:
  • To understand why difficult conversations can be challenging;
  • Provide understanding of how to plan, prepare for and conduct a difficult conversation;
  • Provide some practical skills and experience to effectively manage difficult conversations.

We apologise but there are no future dates currently planned for this event.